Meet Biscuit, the adorable newborn porcupine at the Abilene Zoo!

Meet Biscuit, the adorable newborn porcupine at the Abilene Zoo!

Exciting News from the Abilene Zoo!

The Abilene Zoo has recently welcomed its newest resident, a 12-day-old prehensile-tailed porcupine named Biscuit! Biscuit, the son of Triscuit, is a healthy little porcupine with bright orange hair-like quills and a pointy nose.

The zoo's Animal Care Supervisor, Alex Gonzalez, has stated that Biscuit and his family are receiving the best care at the zoo. The focus right now is on ensuring that Biscuit's mother has everything she needs, as she requires plenty of calories and proper nutrition to nurse the baby. The zoo's veterinarians frequently check on Biscuit to ensure his well-being.

As a newborn, Biscuit spends most of his time napping and hanging around with his mom. Visitors to the zoo can observe Biscuit and his family either through the exhibit's windows or, weather permitting, in their outdoor habitat.

Stay tuned for more updates on Biscuit and his adorable adventures at the Abilene Zoo!

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